Monthly Archives: November 2008

A Bite to Eat, and a Drink As Well…

a-bite-to-eat-extCanberra. My hometown, and also home of some great cafes and restaurants, but only in certain areas around the city and inner suburbs. Those of us who reside or visit the outer suburbs have often been left to venture in to get decent coffee or food. Not anymore! A renaissance is occurring at the local shops in Canberra!

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Rock the Kazbah

kazbahextBalmain, how I love thee, because Adriano Zumbo resides there and so does Kazbah! I’ve been wanting to go here ever since I’d heard of it, but hadn’t managed it until now.

My first impression of the restaurant is fantastic, sitting on a corner, with big open windows on to the footpath and gorgeous decor, it’s a lovely space, but I soon realised it’s shortcomings. It’s very, very noisy. We had difficulty speaking to each other across the din. You would think that with the wooden floors etc, that they might put some kind of dampening/baffles to cut the noise down, but no such luck.
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Cafe Mint Breakfast, The Trifecta

food lined up on the passSaturday I had a catch up Breakfast with my closest buddy and an old friend who currently resides in BrisVegas. The Venue was Cafe Mint, this time to get in to their delectable sounding breakfast menu. While waiting for one third of our group we got stuck into the coffee which is excellent and consistently flavoured.

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Tag! You’re it!

Ooh excitement! I’ve been tagged by Lorraine at Not Quite Nigella! The theme of this tag is 6 things we don’t know about here goes!

  1. I’m very short, 152cm My boyfriend is not. He’s 188cm.
  2. I am originally a Canberran!
  3. I have no regard for fashion and enjoy wearing my very unfashionable, but comfortable sneakers everywhere with everything (except at posh restaurants in case the chef invites me into the kitchen! It hasn’t happened yet, but just in case!) Something my friend at Fashionator despairs of!
  4. I love, LOVE First Dog on the Moon
  5. I studied African-American history at university and wrote a lot about hip hop!
  6. I cried when I saw Stevie Wonder play recently…

Rightio! Time to tag some other peeps!

  1. Lisa from Spicy Icecream
  2. Belle from Ooh, Look…
  3. Lemonpi! Can’t find your name, maybe you can reveal that? 😉
  4. Miss Honey from The Delectable Delight
  5. Jen from Jenius
  6. Kathryn from Limes & Lycopene

There’s no obligation to participate, but it is fun!

Rules are:

  • Link to the person who tagged you
  • Post the rules on the blog
  • Write six random things about yourself
  • Tag six people at the end of your post
  • Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
  • Let the tagger know when your entry is up

Pizza e Birra

pizza e birra“Tuesday Date Night” has become: “Whenever is convenient for us as we’re too tired and have other commitments Date Night”. Monday night we decided would be Date Night this week. Wanting to get out of the Thai food rut we’ve been in of late, we decided on the Trinity Bar. Close to home, wide menu and ok prices, but on the way past found it was packed. So we kept going.
For my birthday recently I had wanted to check out Pizza e Birra, but at the time, their pizza oven was on the blink. A slight problem if you’re a pizza restaurant! Tonight, our luck had changed and there was space and the pizza oven was back online!
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Clafoutis for Kathryn!

cookedThis is a great little recipe when you need something sweet but still want to be reasonably good. I’ve adapted it from a recipe from the Taste site. The hardest part of this recipe is cutting up the fruit! You can halve this recipe too!
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The Rocks Farmers Market

rocks bicycleLunchtime, Friday. What am I going to eat? Been away in Armidale, so no left overs at home, and don’t fancy tuna in a can. Don’t want to go all the way over to St Mary’s Cathedral for Hawkesbury Harvest Markets either…What’s a girl to do? Of course! Eureka! Go to The Rocks Markets! Yes, much smaller selection and no hot food, but still a walk, though shorter, and an abundance of tasty bits! markets landscape view

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