Monthly Archives: June 2009

The Local Taphouse, Darlinghurst

the local extAn easy weeknight, neighbourhood dinner. We’ve exhausted most of the cheap and cheerful options in our immediate vicinity of Surry Hills, and we’ve heard through the grapevine that what was once The Flinders Hotel has had a change of image and ownership and is now The Local Taphouse, a beer emporium.

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York & Albany, London

In this special guest post, my desk buddy Skye, who has just returned home from an 8 week jaunt through South America, finishing up in Edinburgh and London,{read about her adventures over here} takes us through her delicious, “last day on holiday” lunch at York & Albany. Enjoy!

skyeWhen I had decided that I was going to London to finish of my huge overseas trip, the first thing I thought of was doing a posh hotel and food to match. Unfortunately, I cancelled the posh hotel in Notting Hill, settling for a grubby hostel in Russell Square, but I did make a booking at York and Albany, one of Gordon Ramsay’s numerous restaurants in London. Situated between hippy Camdentown and Pretentious Primrose Hill, I thought I had it all wrong, but I guess its in just the right position for its clientele.

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Lamingtons. A classic Australian icon…they remind me of my childhood where the daycare centre my parents used to enrol me in, had bake sales, and enormous trays of lamingtons would be carted home in the back of the car, with me desperately trying to get my little fingers into them!

Recently, our office hosted a Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for the Cancer Council. Our morning tea was “Aussie” themed and included competitions for best Aussie bush tucker, best food/baked item (I think) and best Aussie hat…I discovered that one of my colleagues, being English, had never tried a lamington! I couldn’t believe it! “Not even a bought packet one?” I wasn’t going to bake at all, but then on discovering this I had to do it, and be the one who introduced her to this classic Australian.
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Forbes & Burton, Darlinghurst


Breakfast. One of my favourite meals of the day. Quite aside from the fact that I am a raging caffeine addict and if I don’t have coffee and food by 9am I turn into a wailing banshee!

That said, I have civilised friends who understand the value of  an “early” breakfast. It means that you’re not fighting for a seat (usually) and all specials are available!

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Forty One, Sydney

dietmarForty One. Famous for the views from atop Chifley Tower, and head chef Dietmar Sawyere. After Taste of Sydney I was super keen to get to Forty One, seeing as it wasn’t as far as Berowra Waters Inn!

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